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City of Dreams x Rae Studios

Rae Crew

Hey Rae Community! We are super excited to be a sponsor of City of Dreams virtual gala Harvest Dreams.

As a proud sponsor, we want to invite you all and the team to attend their virtual gala! The Virtual Gala: Harvesting Dreams will take place on November 5th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. There will be a silent auction that will start on October 29th 2020 if you are interested in participating. The event will include words from youth mentees, goals for 2021, and so much more! Visit: We hope to see you there! Thank you for supporting the youth of City of Dreams!

Our Story:

In joint effort with our team, Rae Studios Presented a dedication event: “Art and Unity” A Fundraiser in Honor of Black Lives Matter on Thursday, June 4th 5pm-9pm. A huge thank you to our friends, family, and supporters for making our first “Arts & Unity” Fundraiser in Honor of Black Lives Matter a huge success! Our benefit classes received 125 reservations, raising a total of $1492 and now with our EventBrite donations we reached our goal of raising $2000. With that, we decided to donate to City of Dreams! We are really excited to support City of Dreams as they provide mentorship and youth development for low-income housing communities. We appreciate you all understanding as we made this change.

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